Transform Your Experience

Your Customizable Terminal Redefined

Discover a new dimension in interacting with your Mac. At /, we offer a unique and customizable terminal that goes beyond conventional limits. Imagine an experience where your terminal adapts to your needs, providing an intuitive and efficient environment.

Package Installer

@admin: ~ $ brew install

user/Documents/folder @admin

@admin: ~ $ ~sl create command [commandName]
@admin: ~ $ ~sl [commandName] execute
@admin: ~ $ ~sl terminal colours
@admin: ~ $ ~sl setTime [time] [commandName] execute
@admin: ~ $ ~sl set primaryColor [black]
@admin: ~ $ ~sl set secondaryColor [Pink]
@admin: ~ $ ~sl execute [commandName] if(paramaters)

Personalize, Create & set your own commands!

~ sl create command [commandName] //Crea tu propio commando.
~ sl [commandName] execute //Ejecuta cualquier commando hecho por nosotros y por la comunidad.
~ sl terminal colours //Shows you all colours variant for your terminal.
~ ~sl setTime [time] [commandName] execute //Set up any command to execute automatic the day & hour you need.
~ sl set primaryColor [color] //Set up code line color with [colorName][HEX][RGB]
~ sl set secondaryColor [Pink] //Set up route line color with [colorName][HEX][RGB]
~ sl execute [commandName] if(paramaters) //Set up any command in case something happens with JavaScript syntax.